Rivers of the Underworld

Acheron River - Rivers of the underworld

For the Ancient Greeks, the Underworld was a physical place under the surface of the Earth where the souls of the dead dwelled for eternity. Hades was the god that ruled over this part of the world, and thus it was under his dominion. However, while the Underworld was considered the land of the dead, …

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Animals of the Greek Gods

owl symbol of Athena

Symbolism is vital for all religions. Symbols in religion are used to convey various concepts and values associated with the religious dogma, and they offer a sense of inclusivity and resonance to those who observe it, as they are often present in art, connecting members of the religion and making the community stronger. The ancient …

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Ceyx and Alcyone

The story of Alcyone and Ceyx is one of the most famous narratives of Ancient Greek mythology. A classical story of love and metamorphosis, it portraits the eros between a young couple, Ceyx and Alcyone, but also its tragic fate. This is a classic example of hubris, where mortal beings tried to imitate gods, and …

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The Gates of Hades in Greece

Gates of Hades at Acheron river in Greece

Known as one of the most famous figures in Greek mythology, Hades was the god of the Underworld, brother to Zeus and Poseidon. In some cases, Hades is also called Pluto (God of Wealth). When he and his brothers defeated the Titans, each received a part of the cosmos: Zeus received the skies, Poseidon the …

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